Art is the universal human language

Next Art Jam








What is an art jam ?

An art jam is a challenge I came up with inspired by the concept of game jams, where one produces a game within a very limited time frame.

Art jams follow a similar principle of creating a visual art piece (whether digital or traditional) before a given deadline: you’ll have to prepare a design document, and then execute the vision you have for a piece. There will be a winner whose work will be introduced live and discussed by myself on stream, where I’ll justify my pick.

If the purpose of it being a challenge implies shorter deadlines, they aren’t coercive: nothing will happen if you don’t finish the challenge on time, it’ll only mean that your piece won’t be a part of the final roster. This means you can back out at any time.

You may also participate by yourself without entering the contest aspects of it.

Why organise art jams ?

Currently, machine learning algorithms drown every aspect of our lives. The joys of human expression have taken a hit. Art is one of the most important ones, as a vector for self-discovery, introspection, communication, and self-actualisation.

As a professional artist with a political background, I grow more and more concerned about the decline of the arts through its forceful disconnection from its human soul. Art being a medium for expressing one’s individuality, there is a slippery slope ahead in automatising the creative process and undercut the working people behind all the arts you enjoy.

In reaction to this, I wanted to organise an event where people can explore their creativity and challenge themselves in doing so. The goal of the art jams is to both encourage artists and encourage people to start making art. It is meant to have people explore their skills and see themselves improve as they go. The challenge is also meant to help with other skills that can also be useful for day-to-day life:

    • Learn how to finish a project within a given time frame
    • Learn how to know one’s limitations
    • Learn introspection, creative thinking
    • Determine areas of improvement
    • Boost confidence

What are the Art Jam prizes ?

      • The winner’s piece will be put on display on the website and during stream breaks prominently until the next instalment.
      • I’ll review the piece live on stream and lay out all the motivations behind my pick.
      • The winner’s piece will be actively promoted on my social media pages through reposts and quote reposts.

In the future, the goal is also to include a cash prize for the winner.

How do I join the Art Jams ?

You can join my discord server. Once the art jam is open to participation, you’ll have the ability to get a role opening the art jam channels. From there, I’ll lay out all the steps for you, and upload them on the website as well for ease of access.

How are the art jam winners picked ?

The art jam is open to all skill levels, even if you have never drawn before. The winner will be selected based on the following criteria:

    • How interesting the design document is
    • How compelling the motivations behind the piece are
    • The insight the participant adds to their entry
    • What one has learnt during the challenge (as laid out in their entry document)

What are the art jam rules ?

    • No generative AI is allowed for any part of the process. Any attempt to break this rule will disqualify you and ban you from all other Art Jam events and the discord.
    • The final piece must be an illustration. It can be done either traditionally or digitally.
    • No pieces will be accepted past the challenge deadline.

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